Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Skinny & Healthy = Less Expensive

At the risk of seeming crass or offensive, I offer the title of this post for thought. Now, anyone who knows me can quickly point out I'm not the most svelte guy you're going to run into on the street. I'll be the first one to tell you I could shed a few. In the process of doing so, I'd probably save a few bucks, too.

Why am I writing this given my penchant for all things economic and finance? It's pretty simple, really. Have a look @ what General Motors is thinking of doing (GM GETS LEAN) to try to save a few bucks. They're considering selling off the HUMMER Brand. The epitome of over-indulgence - HUMMER - could go the way of the dodo as GM tries to get in shape.

In another development coming to your local airport, you might want to drop a few pounds before your next flight. Why? It seems that some of our friends in the airline business are considering adding a scale to the check-in counter....for you! Have a look (FLY SKINNY).

So, what's my point? It's pretty simple, really, and I've made it before. Back in the summer of 2005 I had a tag-line in my email signature block that read "Save Gas, Ride a Bike" Back then I caught a ton of grief from friends who got a kick out of my "social commentary" and gas was edging toward $3.00/gallon - those were the golden years! Seriously, though, the point is pretty simple and it ties into my personal mission of providing good financial advice to people. "Healthier" lives tend to carry fewer costs than "unhealthy" lives. Be that the cost of an airline ticket, the "need" for a ginormous vehicle or the reduced "cost" of being healthy in terms of medical bills.

So, there you go. Get off your butt, go for a walk, ride your bike to work, get your kids outside to play (turn OFF the Wii) and burn some kinetic energy rather than fossil energy. You'll sleep better tonight as a result.

Your "healthy finance" friend,

Rich Hayden