Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The People Have Spoken

Senator Barack Obama? . . . . . OR . . . . . Senator John McCain?
Survey Says: President-elect Barack Obama.
That was the choice that the electorate took up yesterday. There are some who are happy this morning and some who are not. We must all remember that we are Americans FIRST, party affiliates second. For me, I stood in line, cast my vote and brought my kids to introduce them to the process of electing the leaders of our nation. I will keep my vote to myself. No matter who the victor was to be going into last night, I will tell you that my only concern and hope would be that the victor would have the ability to bring about better times ahead for all Americans. Now I genuinely hope that we, as a nation, can rise to the challenges ahead of us and look to the greater good within us all.

I think it's pretty safe to say that we are all imperfect and only correct in our beliefs, actions and motivations some of the time. And so, it can be suggested that one of the truest measures of a person is how graciously they accept defeat or victory - essentially all that lies in front of them. The greatest people I have ever looked up to were gracious in their approach to life. Neither allowing themselves to get too high, or too low, over the setting of the moment. Always looking to achieve what can only be described as "more" the next day. I know that is what I strive for.

In my work as a financial coach and mortgage banker, I have the opportunity to "get into it" with many different ideas and people. We ultimately come to find that most people want the same thing - some level of certainty, security and opportunity in their lives. We work on the money part of that. I don't go deep on the political end of the discussion because I don't want to know their business. And, frankly, my position is just that - mine.
As we approach the new era ahead of us - no matter if "your guy" won or lost last night - ask yourself, "Am I gracious about the outcome? Am I going to PERSONALLY do what I can to advance what I think is important for our nation? Will I legitimately do so in a fair and just way with regard to my fellow citizens? Will I (at least) entertain the ideas of those different than me? Will I remain open to new thought? Will I embrace change - the only true constant in life?" Only then, after considering these questions, can you really take your position with confidence each day.
So, now the election is over. There is much work to do for our country, our economy, our men & women bravely serving in uniform, our friends around the world. It's time to stop bitching and start doing. So, let's roll up our collective sleeves and have at it.
It's good to be an American today (and every day!).

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Today is the day. No matter who you're voting for. No matter what your issues are. No matter the issues on your state, county, city or town ballot. You had better vote. YOUR voice could be the one that tips the decision in the direction that YOU want it to go. Or, if you make a choice not to vote....YOUR voice will be the one that is not heard. We have a right, a duty, and a privilege to vote in the United States. Do not squander it. VOTE!!!