Friday, February 01, 2008

Friday Night Lights

From the Desk of Rich Hayden - Financial Coach
207 S. Alfred Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
703.773.8409 - o 703.832.6467 - f
Become 100% Debt Free (including your HOUSE!) in as little as 8 Years!

I gotta tell ya, I like this show. Now, I'm not a huge fan of network TV. Just ask my wife. But, I've got to say that anyone who grew up in the Midwest, south, or anywhere that football was "it" has got to love this show. I think I can say that with a bit of authority because I grew up in Nebraska (The Good Life!). Unless you've lived under a rock from a sports perspective, you're probably aware that we Nebraskans have a fondness for a little bit of smash-mouth football!

So, what is it about this show that makes it a hit? There's drama, there's action, there's tragedy - and there's STRUGGLE. Really, that's the thing that people rally around. At one time or another, this show makes every character an underdog. Americans LOVE the underdog! They love for the little guy, or the guy who gets unfairly put down, or the guy who can't catch a break, or the guy who loses it all - we LOVE for that person to STRUGGLE - and then overcome through some type of "movietone" justice system that lets the protagonist have their day. That's what small town football is all about....or any sport, for that matter.

Just ask Larry Bird. I mean, really, who even knew where French Lick, Indiana was before bird was 1979 other than college recruiters. Other than the Iran Hostage crisis of that same year, 1979 was the year that the small college Indiana State University Sycamores went to the Finals of the NCAA tourney and lost to Michigan State University (with one Earvin "Magic" Johnson). Many people don't remember that Bird first went to "the big school" @ the other Indiana University....the one in Bloomington w/ a certain Coach Knight...for one year before he got homesick and headed home. At that moment, Larry Bird - of all people - became "the little guy." He took odd jobs, worked for his hometown street department, before finally finding his way back to ISU and his ultimate success. We LOVE THAT STUFF because it's real, it tells us that WE CAN "BE SOMETHING" bigger than what we are if we just stick with that dream.

Silly, I know, for a guy who writes a blog about finances to be talking about this. But, isn't that really what it comes down to, too? Don't those dreams that everyone latches on to of their favorite sports figure, their favorite actor/actress, their favorite musician - doesn't a big component of our adoration amount to money? Let's take that a step further and say - doesn't that really translate to the belief that the money (a.k.a. FINANCIAL FREEDOM) we visualize can provide us with OPTIONS and OPPORTUNITY that we might not otherwise have?

Stick with me here. Money in-and-of-itself is worthless. What it is, though, is POTENTIAL power waiting to be unleashed. Just like the misconception of "knowledge is power" - there's a misconception that money is power, too. Not true, both money and knowledge are only POTENTIAL power waiting to be marshaled properly and intentionally.

Before you tell me I'm off my rocker - let's have a look-see @ how your money's workin' for ya. For most people, it's not that good. I mean, after-all, we're the country with a negative savings rate. We're the country with $920Billion in credit card debt...and climbing. We're the country...well, you get the point. See, the thing is...and this is the kicker...YOU'VE GOT really do...but, it's not working PROPERLY for you.

To change that, first, you've got to BELIEVE that you can be the LITTLE GUY who rises up from seemingly nothing and has choices. Then, you've got to have a DESIRE to take a little time to understand (be coachable) HOW it works to have the FREEDOM that it can bring. Without the belief and desire - you'll stay the little guy. Ask Larry Bird. Ask Magic Johnson. Ask Bill Gates. Heck, ask my old boss, Doug Lebda about starting They'll all tell you, "I believed that I could do it, and I had a desire to win." Guess what, they all did.

You are NO DIFFERENT that these people. You're really not. Are you ready to start winning? Are you ready to have a look @ your personal picture and change it? Are you ready to BELIEVE that it can be different? Do you have the desire to make it different? I know these things are all in my cross-hairs. What about you?

If the answer is yes, call me or email me today so we can get started. In January alone, I provided 5 different clients with an average savings of $427/mo, a reduction of their "in debt" timeline to 3.4 years for non-mortgage debt, and an average mortgage payoff in just under 10 years. Think about that for a minute . . . would that change your world a little bit? If so, then give me a call.

My very best to you!

Your friend,

Rich Hayden

Financial Coach
703.773.8409 - p

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P.P.S: Starting to plan for college? Ask me howI can help.

P.P.P.S.: Ask me about the Debt Melt-Down(TM)Plan and how you could become 100% debt free..INCLUDING YOUR MORTGAGE..within 9-11 years!

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